Labour market study on Ethiopia's horticulture sector
Supporting FAWE's Career Women's Center in Rwanda
The second new project we would like to introduce is the project with the Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) in Rwanda! It is an honor to work with FAWE, as they really are a focal point in female education in Rwanda. Their overall mission is to "support girls and women acquire education for development." Over the years, FAWE Rwanda has implemented various scholarship programs to help girls acquire secondary and tertiary education. To date, over 1.630 girls have been supported!
During the project, our local partner will be Africa Development Consultant Ltd (ADC), who has more than 15 years experience in training SME's leaders in business development skills. The project (a Tailor-Made Training (TMT) for Nuffic's Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP)) is called:
"Training of trainers on gender mainstreaming in education and entrepreneurship for sustainable development in Rwanda"
The aim of the project is for FAWE to focus more on programs for students in entrepreneurship and female initiative and leadership. FAWE has indicated that these are areas in which they want to excel more, for example in entrepreneurship and business trainings and job readiness. Additionally, a focus will be put on vulnerability and safety, taking a more active role in supporting educational institutions in gender mainstreaming, and the training of FAWE alumni and mentors in acquiring funds and new clients.
During the training sessions, we will be working with the staff members of FAWE in a training-of-trainers approach. We recently completed the self-assessment period, in which FAWE was asked to answer certain questions and provide us with some background information of the organization. From this assessment, we gained a lot of insights and we are now preparing for the training period. The focus of the first training will be on developing a social enterprise strategy and business plan for their newly launched Career Women's Center.
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