Kick-off: Project Sanitary Pads

Kick-off: Project Sanitary Pads

The project
Together with our local hero Everlyne Bowa and her team from the AWOCHE Foundation, we are setting up a production facility for women in the Kibera slums of Nairobi to produce and sell reusable sanitary pads. The Agape Woman and Child Empowerment (AWOCHE) Foundation is a local community organization in Kibera, with a strong focus on inclusive reproductive, maternal and child health.

We will:
1. Support them in acquiring the assets needed, such as: a suitable production site, sewing machines, fabrics, and other related supplies;
2. Organize several business trainings and offer support in developing a long-term business plan, accessing markets and building a strong entrepreneurial mindset, and; 3. Organize workshops for youth in schools on the importance of menstrual health


  • Women in particular are struggling with generating income and entrepreneurship within the community of Kibera
  • There is low access to sanitary pads due to the high price and the stigma that exists around menstrual health
  • Disposable pads are unsustainable as they create a lot of waste for the community

Therefore, empowering women in Kibera to start their own business in sanitary pads will increase their independence and financial self-sufficiency, increase the access to menstrual hygiene products in the area, and offer a sustainable alternative for the disposable pads. 

And now we’re off! Last week, we organized the first sewing training with a group of 20 women in Kibera! During the training, we got to know each other, discussed the need for accessible sanitary pads, and brainstormed about ideas for the business. It was a very fruitful and practical training, in which the first sanitary pads were sewed!

First sewing training with a group of 20 women in Kibera, 7 November 2022. Photography by Edwin Ndeke.

How can you support?

So far, we managed to acquire three sewing machines to get started with the first sessions. However, we want to roll out this project on a much bigger scale, starting with a suitable production facility, sewing machines and sewing training programs for all the women, and fabrics and other related materials

Please find a breakdown of the project costs still open to funding below. Any other, small, one-off donations, second-hand materials and/or other support is always welcome and very valuable in supporting these women with their business and creating positive change! 


Want to know more?
Want to support?
Feel free to reach out!

✉️ E-mail:
➡️ LinkedIn: Gender2Connect
➡️ Instagram: @Gender2Connect

Or shoot us a message! We are always up for a cup of coffee ☕️ 
+316 20 70 77 31 (NL)
+254 708 102 994 (KE)

Photography by: Edwin Ndeke


Everlyne Bowa from the AWOCHE Foundation holding the first sanitary pad as an outcome of the first sewing training. Photography by Edwin Ndeke

Photography by Edwin Ndeke

Photography by Edwin Ndeke

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